168极速赛车官网开奖直播-168极速赛车预测 Mindful Nature Meditation

极速赛车1-10名玩法技巧-168极速赛车开奖官网计划 Awaken your senses and restore your calm through mindful immersion in nature.

168极速赛车开奖官方开奖网-1分钟极速赛车开奖记录-168开奖官方开奖结果 Nature Immersion

A nature immersion experience begins by bringing our awareness to the place we gather, through centering breathing and gentle movement. We use slow, flowing movements and stretches to bring ourselves into the present moment and connect body and mind with place. We start to feel and notice, through our senses, the forest around us.

We continue our experience through mindful walking in social silence: we spend some time without conversations, checking phones, taking pictures, or fixing our minds on goals or plans. Through this slow, mindful walking, we find a place where we can practice a sensory meditation–we might use sight, or sound, or sense of touch and texture.

As we reconnect with the forest and the land, we save some time near the end of our experience to listen to and share with each other our observations, thoughts, or feelings about the experience.

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